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Lista towarów: 331 - 335 z 667

Post Regiment "Czar Zły"
Cena: 34.99 PLN
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Druga płyta Postu, punkowo i ostrzej, do dzis uznawany za najlepszy ich album. Mamy 17 numerów po gruntownym remasteringu!!
Swing On Sight Family Worldwide "Split vol.3"
Cena: 34.99 PLN
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Founded back in 2002 in Youngstown Ohio, the SOSF expanded the last decade to a global organization with chapters in the USA, Japan, Spain and Germany. After two editions including an American and Japanese band each, "Volume 3" takes the next step further and features COLD REIGN (Indiana/USA), GENTLEMEN`S SPORTS (Hamburg/D) and GUERRILLA CROWZ (Tokyo/JP). Each band recorded 4 new tracks of straight-up, uncompromising no-nonsense Hardcore influenced by the traditional Cleveland sound li...
Post Regiment "Tragedia wg Post Regimentu"
Cena: 34.99 PLN
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Ostatnia płyta warszawskiej kapeli, ich największe dzieło, 32 miażdżące numeryTheir final release, which is not really their own record (and not many people outside Poland are aware of it). Tragiedia wg Post Regiment (which means "Tragiedia According To Post Regiment") is sort of a tribute to Post Regiment's long time friends, Tragiedia (yes, the same band they shared the debut show with!), who ceased to exist a long time ago without releasing any records. The album consists of ju...
Diction "The Poor And The Hopeless"
Cena: 34.99 PLN
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"The Poor And The Hopeless" is filled with DICTION's trademark multi tempo songwriting, The 10 tracks take you on a journey through doomy riffing, as evident on the album's title track, while a strong contrast to this is the punky and anthemic shout-along of "The Flood", featuring DBS from Kartel/Injury Time's gruff vocals. Tracks vary greatly from the dark and epic "London Loop" to "Collapse", a furious burst of speed and aggression  clocking in at under 1 minute 3...
Morda "My Will Supreme"
Cena: 35.01 PLN
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http://www.myspace.com/mordahcJak narazie osttanie dzielo spod szyldu belgijskich metalcorowcow! Masteringiem tego materialu zajal sie sam Jacob Hansen (HATESPHERE, ABORTED, MAROON,..), a pltye mnagrano w studio Ace Zec (THE SETUP, DEATH BEFORE DISCO,..). Płyta skupila takie zainteresowanie ze kilka labeli w innych czesciach swiata wzieli licencje na wydanie tej pozycji.

Strona 67 z 134 1, 2, 3 ... 66, 67, 68 ... 132, 133, 134

O firmie

Gwarancja i zwroty

Independent Music Label
Oprogramowanie sklepu: Sklepna5.pl